Sunday, March 15, 2009

Happy Birthday Arnavi! {Baltimore One-year-old portraits}

Arnavi is a gorgeous little girl who was in a very serious mood for our shoot. Isn't she a little princess?

formal child portraits

one-year portraits Baltimore
first birthday portraits


~Melissa Mullinax said...

Goodness Gracious!! How beautiful!!

Lisa Lenderink Photography said...

Oh My Gosh!

Her eyes make me speechless!

W O W !!!!!!!!!!!

Unknown said...

Blair...I can't stop watching these pictures of hers. What a wonderful job you have done. I liked color combination. The last photograph just made me cry. Can't wait to see rest of the pictures.

Crickets Creations: Handcrafted Fashion Accessory Scarves and Fringies Professional Photo Portrait Props said...

She's ready for the OPERA!! :)
Celeste (Crickets)

{Blair Blanks Photography, Baby, Child, Newborn, Pregnancy, Maternity Photographer, Studio in Baltimore, Maryland}